About the Trainer
Hi, I'm Kathy Corneau Owner and Trainer of Balanced and Behaved Dog Training. I'm a Dog Behaviorist and Trainer working with obedience, modification and the dogs DNA instincts to balance dogs and transform lives. I like to say I come in as a teacher not a dog trainer for the owner is the biggest tool to transformation I am the bridge to learning. I train dogs to follow commands, unlocking many issues in the process and ultimately working towards trust which is the key to any relationship from any angle.
Started my journey in 2010 I've worked with Jan Fennell The Dog Listener http://janfennellthedoglistener.com/ traveling to the UK and become a graduate Dog Listener who is know all over the world for her positive work of training.
Also traveled to Yellowstone National Park studying with the wolf biologist who introduced the wolf pack back into the park and how the wolves parallels our domesticated dogs and what that means and how we really need to show up as a leader for it's in their DNA to need a leader in their pack and how they see the world.
I've studied at Tarheel Canine Training http://www.tarheelcanine.com/ in NC where Jerry Bradshaw and his trainers train police academy working dogs. They are known to train the Best of The Best when it comes to hard working dogs I learned the art of boot camp and solid foundational work.
I've studied alongside Chad Mackin of Pack to Basics http://www.packtobasics.net/ learning the art of leash pressure and the importance of subtly also working with aggressive dogs and socialization.
Then took the time to do some deep study beside Jeff Gellman of Solid K9 in Rhode Island https://www.solidk9training.com/ and Sean O'Shea of The Good Dog www.thegooddog.net of Los Angeles both great at working with difficult dogs red zone and aggressive dogs as well as the dog who just needs to have clear boundaries, masters at low level ecollar work as well as socialization with difficult dogs.
August 2021 ~ Larry Krohn/Jay Jack/Joel Silverman Seminar/Workshop
I'm excited for the upcoming workshop to listen to how these 3 VERY different trainers work their dogs and to start to bring more play and fun into my teachings. Beginning my work in the teachings of play, drive and all that it can afford your dog.
Online and Other Communities I study
Ivan Balabanov Two time world champion Training without Conflict his Online Library feel free to check him out
I'm a member of No Bad Dogs community Tom Davis feel free to look him up and join sooo much awesome dog talk & know how.
I've also studied remotely Tyler Muto his ecollar training and was apart of his Consider the Dog community
Duke Ferguson and his training systems as well as community.
As a solo dog trainer I have found it is not only important but soooo valuable to be surrounded by those I TRUST and keep myself current and fill my own cup.
Upcoming Workshop
Sept/Oct. 2022 ~ Larry Krohn/Jay Jack/Joel Silverman Seminar/Workshop
I'm excited for the upcoming workshop to once again listen to how these 3 VERY different trainers work their dogs and to continue to wrap my learning around the art of play and fun into my teachings. As well as the proper dialog with a dog to create a lasting decision from them to change their behavior.